9 Winning Strategies for a New Online Product Launch

Every business owner understands that starting a new business and launching a new product online are two of the most challenging things on the planet. That, however, doesn’t make them impossible. You just need feasible and working strategies for you to succeed. You also need to be very vigilant to avoid making any rookie mistakes. Keep in mind that how you launch your product determines how people will perceive it and whether it will excel or not. Even the best products rely on the launching process for them to gain traction and leave a mark. With that said, here are some winning strategies for a new online product launch.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on April 16, 2020
Posted in
Winning Strategies for a New Online Product Launch

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Every business owner understands that starting a new business and launching a new product online are two of the most challenging things on the planet. That, however, doesn’t make them impossible. You just need feasible and working strategies for you to succeed. You also need to be very vigilant to avoid making any rookie mistakes. Keep in mind that how you launch your product determines how people will perceive it and whether it will excel or not. Even the best products rely on the launching process for them to gain traction and leave a mark. With that said, here are some winning strategies for a new online product launch.

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#1. Use the Right Platforms to Launch Your Product

Before launching your new product online, you need to figure out your target group. The information you get is going to help you determine the right platforms to launch your product.

If your target group consists of adults between the ages of 35 years to 60 years, consider using platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But if your market is people ranging between ages 15 years to 28 years, Instagram and Facebook will be the right platforms for you.

Picking the right platform is going to help you reach a wider market during your launch.

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#2. Use Influencers to Help You Launch Your Product

There are various ways you can use mentors and influencers to launch your new product, and that includes paying them to post your product on their platforms. Influencers and mentors tend to have a large following, and once they take your product to live audiences, it is going to reach a wider audience compared to using your platform only.

That said, you need to make sure you make the correct choice because you need an influencer whose crowd relate to your product. It is one of the strategies that even large companies use to launch their new products online.

#3. Employ an SEO Company to Promote Your Business

By now, you should have a fully functional website. That way, you can employ an SEO company to promote your product and business.

What such a company does is to make your site SEO worthy by incorporating every SEO technique that exists. That includes creating backlinks and adding Meta-titles and Meta-descriptions for your content, among others.

Once they do that, bots will crawl and rank your site high. That is how you get your website appearing on the first page of search engine result pages or SERP. Once that happens, it becomes easier for your product to reach a wider population during its launch.

#4. Have a Sales Team to Help You Convert Leads

One of the most crucial marketing strategies for your new product launch is to involve a sales team. That is because you want the information not only to reach many people but also convince them to make purchases.

There is no need to have traffic if no one is buying the product. So get qualified salespeople to help you converts leads and convince the existing customers to make a purchase.

#5. Consider Adwords Services

Before you start seeking pay per click or PPC services to catapult the sale of your product, consider Google Adwords agency in Thailand for a new product launch. Search engines allow advertisers to bid on unique words to allow ads that are clickable to appear on their sites.

With such services, you are sure that your product launch will be a success because many people will see the ad of the product you are launching whenever they open their search engines. The good thing about Adwords services is that they tell the world what is unique about your product. You should, however, be ready to pay for the clicks.

#6. Use Email Marketing to Notify Your Customers

As soon as you launch a website, you need to start harvesting emails from your potential customers. With the email list, it is easy to reach your frequent customers whenever there is an event, including launching a new product online. Most companies tend to customize their emails, and so should you.

If possible, use the customer’s name during email marketing so that he or she feels important. It is a new product launch process that will take your time and creativity, but it also leads to conversion if utilized correctly. You also need to keep the email professional so that your clients don’t end up spamming you.

#7. Stick to Your Launching Date

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is being indecisive when it comes to the new product launching date. You need to come up with a day and stick to it regardless of the challenges it poses.

That way, you are going to reach a broader market since people will be eager to know about the new product. If you keep on switching the launch date, potential customers are going to become less intrigued and uninterested in the product, and that ends up costing you.

#8. Use Your Personal Story to Sell the Product

People love personal stories. They tend to get glued to products that come with an incredible story attached to it. That is because your customers want to understand who you are and why they should trust you with their problem.

So go ahead and give them the answers using a personal story that is inspiring. That is the only way you will be able to launch your product in a competitive landscape.

#9. Do Product Demonstrations

Once you tell your story and manage to capture people’s attention successfully, you need to go ahead and show them how the product works.

This is by coming up with demonstrations and how to do images. Doing so will keep them hooked to the product, and within no time, it will be the story in the streets.

Final Words

Those are some of the best winning strategies for a new product launch that you need to set the record straight when launching your product. Utilizing every point above is going to see your launch become successful, and your product explosive. The last thing you want is spoiling your product launch because you did not do your research before the launch.

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Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. Other interests also include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

FTC Disclosure: The pages you visit may have external affiliate links that may result in me getting a commission if you decide to buy the mentioned product. It gives a little encouragement to a smaller content creator like myself.