7 Website Design Mistakes You Need to Avoid for Small Business
Here are some major website design mistakes that you must avoid if you want your small business to succeed in the long run.

Your website is not only the virtual face of your business online, but it is also an important piece of your efforts in marketing or branding. There is a reason why visitors are coming to your website and that is why you have to ensure that you can provide answers to their queries and use the website to sell your services or products.
Business owners with a website are able to drive traffic to their site and for achieving that one can use a number of marketing efforts like PPC, advertisements, Google AdWords and so on.
However, if your website leaves something to be desired when people visit, it may make you lose a potential buyer because of the unappealing look and usability. So, in order to make the most of your website you have to enhance its user experience.
Here are some major web design mistakes that you must avoid if you want your small business to succeed in the long run. Just read on.
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#1. Your Website Does Not State Clearly What Your Company Does and the Reason Why It Should be Chosen
This is one of the biggest website turn-offs that can happen as your visitor takes just around .05 seconds once your site loads to scan through it. Everything else can work for you but if you fail to make a justified decision, your visitors are going to hit the back button and never return. You should thus have a number of confidence-building materials for them like awards, testimonials, and affiliates of the industry and arrange all your products in a clear and organized view so that customers face no problem finding what they are looking for.
#2. Your Website Involves Poor Navigation
Many businesses do not quite realize the significance of good navigation. Though there are no fixed standards, the 3 click rule for better navigation is today widely accepted. A website design is of no use if it fails to provide the information that the users are looking for. It becomes quite frustrating for the users if navigation is not treated as a priority. This makes your visitors leave your site quickly. A good structure of navigation holds the attention of the visitors for a longer period that can eventually lead to more sales or generation of business. A few ways to have an effective structure of navigation include creating logical groups of information, using icons, and offering further tips for navigation.
#3. Your Website is Not Mobile-friendly
Over 48 percent consumers are of the opinion that if a site does not work well on the smartphones, it makes them feel like the owners do not care for their business and over 50 percent consumers, today, refuse to engage much if the site of any business is not mobile-friendly. One of the greatest mistakes of web designs is not creating a mobile-friendly site and if you have committed that you need to correct it asap.
#4. No Clear CTA OR Call-to-Action
At times, in the haste to achieve visitors on their site, businesses forget to tell the visitors what they need to do further once they are on the site. If it is not obvious what the site is all about and what the customers must do to get the solution of the problem that they are seeking within a few seconds of their visit, you can lose the customer forever. So, ensure to make the CTAs highly visible and offer clear directions on what to do next.
#5. Your Website Comes with Lots of Links that Open New Windows
This is one of the first things that offers a slippery slope to a bad user experience. It makes a user leave your site but there is no “back button” so that they can return where they left. Added to that, opening multiple windows at a time does not only make navigation painful especially while using a mobile, it can also slow down someone’s devise and can basically ruin their entire online experience.
#6. Outdated Content
Customers are always on the lookout for up-to-date information about your company, services, and products. If your site lacks the fresh content, your visitors may think that you are no longer in business or lack the initiative to keep up the site with current content. Ensure that your site focuses on the needs of the clients and consists of all the changes in the company. If there is a blog section on your website, you should provide fresh content at least once a week. This will improve the search engine optimization and drive traffic to the site.
#7. Your Website Targets Everyone
Your website will mess up if it tries to accommodate every kind of visitor that it gets. It is the best to figure out your most frequent users and ensure that they get the best possible experience. If you try to please everyone, you will end up getting any conversions.
The above is some of the website design mistakes that you should avoid in order to appeal and attract more visitors to your website and gain conversions. These are stated by the experts of the reputed PHP development services in India who have been in the industry for many years now and know exactly what works and what doesn’t in the digital business world.
Author Bio: Sawoni Chowdhury is an aficionado of writing. She is an expert writer and blogger
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