When to Take the Plunge and Buy New Tech
Ask any techie when is the best time to buy a new device and they’ll probably tell you: Anytime! But even though we all know it’s fun to just go for it and snatch up the latest piece of technology, it’s not always the wisest choice. If you’re considering getting a new smartphone, tablet or laptop, you might want to pause before making that purchase. After all, we tend to use devices daily and keep them for many years, so it’s important to make the right decision at the right time. Here are some tips to help you figure that out.
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A mobile phone is not only a portal for making phone calls and sending text messages, but it’s also many people’s primary camera and go-to device for browsing the internet throughout the day. In other words, it serves many purposes and gets a lot of use. It’s very common for people to upgrade to a new phone every year when they become eligible through their cellphone carrier, but this might not be in your best interest.
The main reason for this? Your smartphone’s mobile processor. Within your phone, there’s a little chip that basically runs the entire phone as a computer. If you want something about your phone to be faster or better in some way, what you really want is a more advanced processor. For example, Qualcomm offers Snapdragon mobile platforms that are cutting-edge and include the capability of immersive VR experiences, improved cameras, seamless connectivity and top-notch security. If you feel that your current smartphone is lacking in these areas, then you might want to make the jump now to a device that contains one of the fastest mobile processors like the Qualcomm Snapdragon.
Thinking about getting your hands on a new tablet? Before doing so, ask yourself why. Tablets are primarily used for reading or watching movies and shows and are already fairly limited in functionality. There haven’t really been new tablets rolled out with sophisticated enough features to make prior models obsolete. Unless your tablet has some irreparable damage or there’s a very specific feature you know you’ll use that’s only included on a new model, it’s probably best to hang on to your current one for awhile. Then when you do make the switch, there is sure to be something even cooler on the market for you to buy.
Even though smartphones are used day in and day out, laptops are often one of our primary devices for work. They’re very important and since they’re typically the most expensive of all devices, significant thought should be given before making an investment in one. If you have a laptop currently, is it usable? If there isn’t a pressing issue that can’t be fixed and is causing you downtime, you can spend a few weeks or months researching the perfect device for you.
If there isn’t a prohibitive issue at the moment, are there other indications it might not last long? Some warning signs to look for are excessive noise, not enough space, inability to perform upgrades and inability to connect to your other devices. If any of these are issues you’re facing, you might want to replace your laptop in the next six months or so. If you don’t have these problems and have a working laptop, you’re best served to keep what you have and to wait until issues present themselves before spending money buying a new one.
If you are going to look for a new device, consider how you primarily use your laptop. If you travel a lot, you might want to look at models that are smaller and lighter weight. If you need a lot of storage, however, that might be your priority. Other features to consider are camera quality, battery life and speakers. Spend a good amount of time researching through guides like this one to help you find your best device before making that investment.
We all love shiny new toys, but you (and your wallet) will be far better off if you make a wise decision about upgrading your technology. Sometimes it’s essential, but other times it can wait.
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