Did You Know All The Rumors and Roadmap About iPhone 5? [Infographic]

There are always more than “actual fact product rumors” about almost all iPhone editions. Here is one iPhone 5 Rumors infographic designed by Social Catalog. Having enough thirst for rumors for today? No?

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on November 14, 2019

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Having enough thirst for rumors for today? No? There are always more rumors than the “actual product facts” about almost all iPhone editions.

Here is one iPhone 5 accumulated rumors infographic designed by Social Catalog that should essentially cool your thirst down.

Personally I don’t like rumors. Mainly rumors are like chewing gum of our daily life. You know what I mean? Of course you do.

I liked this rumor infographic because it has some pretty neat interesting data for the road-map.

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Anyways, Enjoy the rumors and have a funtastic day.

iPhone 5 Rumors - Infographic

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