The Most Popular Typography Trends in Web Design

One of the most significant changes in design element in 2018 is noticed in the typography.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on August 24, 2020
Posted in
The Most Popular Typography Trends in Web Design RR

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Right from the content to the elements included, from the typography to the features, everything has changed in a web design significantly. One of the most significant changes in the design element in 2018 is noticed in the typography. Typography is the style, appearance, and arrangement of printed letters on a web page.

It promotes the primary and probably the only purpose of your website – to be read. Therefore, it matters what and how you are saying matters and how well it is understood. This is primarily looked after by the content-first web design enthusiasts who play an equally significant role as the design-first designers.

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The Trends Rounded Up

Gone are those days when a website had dedicated pages and designated places for the text. Today, designers are placing text in the left, right, and center and all over the page. All that is required is proper using the typefaces. According to experts web designing is not about selecting typefaces but it is all about how it is used.

Making It Bold

Bold – Big, bold, and condensed text is followed as it is unmistakable and dramatic. As a primary web design element, this seems to be the most obvious way to use the text and is extensively followed this year. Bold headlines anchor the homepages with messages and brand names.

Tools Recommendations
  • The reason for making text bold is that typography of the site becomes its design. Imagine a masterfully loud design created on a strong black background out of six bold white letters of font Dharma Gothic Heavy!
  • You can even add more magic to it by adding characters that pop up in animated color and custom font.

Serifs Are Elegant

Serifs rule the typography usage and are on the top of the font realm when it became the trend early this year. This is the best example of elegant titles and stylish headlines. You can use popular serif fonts such as Calluna and Minion in your web design to ward off naysayers to serif.

Designers in Taylorightare doing wonders with their newfound love and are using them effectively to infuse elegance to an otherwise minimalist site.

Plain Ole Text

You can create an eye captivating design with plain ole text. Especially in the field of journalism where visual revolution dominates, the prominence and importance of text in web design are not to overlook. Text alone can speak in volumes and add with visuals it can create magic.

Using browser default fonts now in 2018 has made words the most powerful tool in web design. Though it is not an easy task to design any web page text exclusive if it is done well you will not even notice the lack of pictures and videos. Benefits you enjoy include:

  • Words have a distinct edge over images that may speak louder than the words but cannot offer much control over what you hear
  • Present the text-only contents with a twist in the design
  • Provide interactive elements that will tell the story
  • Captivate audience in a better way that visuals cannot do alone
  • Supplement words with symbols
  • Use variations in text weight, size, and color
  • Use the colorful cursor and hover-activated headshot and
  • Unveil your creativity.

In short, you can design custom and productive websites and prototypes of ultra-high-fidelity without having to write a line of code.

Use of MonoSpace

A mono-spaced typeface is also another popular font that has emerged in recent times. It not only provides text-intensive settings with small point sizes but is also the larger element of website design.

This type of font used extensively has even dovetailed the brutalized trend in web design with a fascinating portfolio that helps in creating a memorable yet brutal effect with the intersection of background images and mono-spaced typefaces.

Attention to Highlighted Text

Typography and the availability of a plethora of typefaces have enabled websites to communicate in a better way and establish a proper hierarchy of the content. This helps in skimming and scanning the document yet gets the gist of matters and messages the brands want to convey.

The designers take and make a page attractive and appealing to the eyes by adding well-designed and colorful highlights. Messages on the page are placed more prominently according to their importance.

Use of Highlights

Designers use highlights in a more strategic manner to create a better content hierarchy and to it, they add a pop of color to make it easy to notice.

  • Neon green highlights, for example, will enhance the DR aesthetic of the TL on the homepage.
  • You can even use the neon yellow highlights to indicate the engagement and presence of a reader with the core text.

Head Over Heels

Another useful way is to use vertical and horizontal text. This specific typographic trend will surely turn heads over heels, literally. Such a blend is considered to be a very stylish approach and it also helps in breaking the blocks of the text.

This will create white space and will elicit a spectacular effect as your site will have a unique touch that is distinctly different from the traditional horizontal alignment. You can even experiment further with your design by adding a scrolling effect with the vertical text alignment.

However, it is important to make sure that all of the vital navigational elements remain horizontal to ensure proper functionality. This will ensure that your website has better illustrative elements arranged strategically at the center with an immaculate combination of vertical and horizontal text.

Thoughtfully Scattered Text

This is another typography trend that can be best described as a brain before coffee as it requires perfect web design. If it is not used properly then it may be dysfunctional and run into the risk of limited accessibility and readability as well.

However, this trend involves strategically placed and string together letters floating on the homepage. The scattered orientation is not meant for spelling out the title of the exhibit to the visitor but has a larger meaning to weave visually dissimilar letters together. The evolution of typography is facilitated by the advancement of font, screen, and design technologies.

Co-Authored with

Maria Jones is a digital art fellow and multidisciplinary artist who is into design and development for the last ten years. She now specializes in responsive design and used to write blogs and about evolving graphics and web design concepts.

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