How to Build a Diverse & Healthy Link Profile For Your Website
One of the main ranking factors that should not be neglected is the link profile of the site. It attaches great importance to the site and significantly raises its position in Google. That is why when optimizing sites, a lot of attention is paid to the development and analysis of backlinks. However, it must be borne in mind that such manipulations can be obtained not only benefit but also harm. To avoid problems, it is important to form a link profile wisely, without breaking the rules. We will tell you how to do it in this article.

One of the main ranking factors that should not be neglected is the link profile of the site. It attaches great importance to the site and significantly raises its position in Google. That is why when optimizing sites, a lot of attention is paid to the development and analysis of backlinks. However, it must be borne in mind that such manipulations can be obtained not only benefit but also harm. To avoid problems, it is important to form a link profile wisely, without breaking the rules. We will tell you how to do it in this article.
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Link Profile: what is it and how it affects the site
Link profile – a set of external indexed links that lead users to the website. The process of development of the link profile is called link building.
Link building consists of two inextricable parts:
- Donor – a site that has a link on another site.
- Recipient – the site being promoted.
Link building involves many strategies and is included in the list of mandatory processes on the checklist of professional optimizers.
In ranking the total number of external links to the site is necessarily taken into account by search engines. Focusing on this indicator, the system assesses the level of confidence in the resource.
In the case of correct implementation, link building gives such advantages:
- It helps to get to the top of the search results. The higher the site, the more visitors it has.
- Speeds up the indexing of materials.
- Increases traffic on the site.
- Increases brand recognition.
- Forms loyalty to the potential audience.
- It helps to attract new clients.
But simply increasing the number of links to the site is not enough. A lot of links are not a guarantee of victory. Of great importance is their quality, weight, determining the credibility for the search engine to the site. Moreover, this is not the only signal taken into account in the ranking.
The greatest weight and benefit to the target page of the site have the natural links from similar sites, surrounded by unique, relevant text. The credibility of the domain on which it is placed affects the quality of the link. The weight of links published on specially created resources for this purpose is small. The best effect is given by data on donors with good SEO and high trust. It is also important to maintain a balance between natural and purchased links. The advantage is always with natural links.
Incorrect use of link building is fraught with bad consequences:
- This leads to the imposition of sanctions and falling under the filters of search engines.
- Decreases the rank of the site in search results.
Google has special algorithms that detect link manipulation and punish violators. Among the most common mistakes:
- Sharp bulk purchases from low-quality donor sites with questionable content.
- An excessive number of commercial (purchased) links.
- Links that do not correspond to the subject of the site.
- The complete absence of natural links.
This leads to the conclusion: to use link building for the benefit of the site you should take into account the nuances and act in accordance with certain rules.
Rules of link profile development
As already mentioned, for the site is an important natural and healthy link profile. Engaging in its formation should take into account the following recommendations:
- Do not chase after the quantity at the expense of quality. It is more important to worry about the quality of links. A decade of quality links is more useful than a hundred, acquired from a donor with a bad reputation.
- Act smoothly and gradually. You should avoid a “link explosion” and do not develop your profile quickly. You should do it smoothly, adding little natural links. On more serious volumes of links, you need to move gradually, constantly supporting them. To avoid getting under the filters, the purchase of links should be very careful and covering different pages. You can buy links at – safe link building service with links from authoritative donors.
- Carefully select donors. Mention of the website is better to leave on reliable thematic sites that contain useful, interesting content. It is desirable to minimize the use of aggregators. Previously purchased links should be constantly monitored, removing links from low-quality donors. Thematic forums, blogs with viral content, reviews, promotions and surveys, interviews of famous people are excellent places for links.
- Do not allow deviations in the schedule. There should be no breaks in link building. Specialists advise following a certain schedule. For example, add 10 links daily for 2-3 months.
- Keep an eye on diversity and use original ideas. There should be different ways to develop a link profile. An excellent idea – to refer to the recipient site in the comments to the articles on the sites of competitors.
The main rule in the profile development process – to use quality links. The key criteria of quality:
- The credibility of a particular page and site as a whole. The donor should have a high level of trust from search engines, a wide audience, useful content.
- The relevance of the donor. The site should correspond to the theme of the project. The site about cars is definitely not suitable for mentioning the project of healthy eating.
- Location on the page. Links placed in the sidebars are less effective than those located in the main content.
- Anchor text. The correct clickable (text) part of the link is not re-spammed and contains one key. It is necessary to enter the keys naturally.
- Context. In the context of the link, there should be appropriate phrases and words.
- Live traffic. The naturalness of the links determines the presence of traffic to the site.
Tools for link profile analysis
The quality of links is the main criterion for successful link building. This indicator is much more important than quantity, so it is very important to constantly monitor external links. For this purpose there are a lot of analysis tools:
- Google Webmaster Tools. Free service to analyze your own links. Helps to check external links from indexed Google pages. You will not be able to track competitors using this service.
- Majestic SEO. A tool with great paid functionality. Shows link growth graphs, allows you to compare growth dynamics for multiple sites, make samples through filters.
- Link Explorer from MOZ. A paid tool with a 30-day trial period. It allows you to find and track backlinks, develop an effective linking strategy and monitor progress.
- Ahrefs. A paid service that explores external links by different parameters. Analyzes data at the level of the site or individual web page. Sends notifications when new backlinks appear.
- Linkody. A tool with a 30-day trial period. Useful features include link profile analysis by a number of indicators, tracking backlink deletion, finding and removing links from untrusted sites.
External links form the Internet reputation of the company. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that it is important to avoid links explosion, to choose proven and reliable donors, and to place greater emphasis on natural recommendations. The process of development of the link profile takes a lot of time, requires perseverance, but with the right implementation brings excellent results.
Marie Barnes is a writer for Bestforacar. She is an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She shares her insights through blogging.
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