Just 3 Steps to Effective Website Performance
A good design and well-developed website are important, these are not enough for your website performance. For an effective digital marketing activity, one must start working on the website data or content.

We have been reading so much about digital marketing and making website mobile friendly. We are also aware of the significance of having a good website design and the benefits of the “https” certificate etc. The updates about the trends and best practices either motivate or compel most of us to change our website from top to bottom.
Despite all such sincerest endeavors, do you still feel that something is lacking and your website is not making the right impact?
If you already have a website with a good design and user-friendly back-end, you need not go for redevelopment or redesign every year. The purpose of your business website is to gear up your business outreach. And this can be best achieved through efficient content marketing initiatives.
Though a good design and well-developed website are important, these are not enough for your website performance. For an effective digital marketing activity, one must start working on the website data or content.
So, let us have a look at the ways you can revamp your website in 3 easy steps.
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Write Fresh Content
All of us keep reading everywhere about good quality content and how it helps in search engine optimization of a website. But, what exactly does this ‘good quality content’ mean for my business website? How do I decide what content would be suitable for my website?
The answer is simple. Your business website is for the visitors who you want to convert into customers. So, these visitors can best suggest what content they want on the website.
a. Contact Us Form
You must collect user feedback and queries to understand the type of information your visitors are looking for. Mostly such business inquiries are received through phone calls or email. But, to make it simpler for the visitor, it is better to have a Contact-Us form on your website. So, if you haven’t done that already, add it now!
b. FAQs
After collecting the commonly asked queries, one can build answers to these queries and put the same in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the website. This will provide an easy response to the visitors for their common queries.
The keywords used in FAQs help in lead generation through the internet search.
c. Blogs
If you are getting repeated queries related to features and functionalities of your products and services, it is always a good idea to make a blog post about these details and update it on the blog section of your website.
Other regular updates about your new and existing products or services can also be shared on the website through blogs.
#2. Rejuvenate the Links
A website may have many links, but, it is important to understand that too many useless links can confuse the visitor and lose a conversion. Links need revival in the following ways.
a. Accessibility of Crucial Information
Some of the most significant information that can help your business convert a visitor into a customer is present on the website in the “about” and “contact us” links. So, these links must be prominently visible and accessible. The pages which these links refer to should be updated with the latest contact number, email addresses and social media information of the business.
b. Avoid Repetition
For a good user experience on your website, he should be able to find what he is looking for in not more than three clicks. Each product name should link to its detailed description which clarifies the features.
Instead of putting the same content twice on two different pages of the same website, link the content of the same page everywhere it is required. For example, if your homepage shows the highlights of your new product, the product name can be internally linked or anchored to the product description page on the website instead of copying the whole description again to the homepage as a part of the highlight.
c. LSI Key Words
The selection of the anchor text should be based on LSI keyword techniques. The variations of the long tail keywords are the best for using as anchor texts. Though, one must ensure that the text used is relevant and concise. Jargoning should be avoided for a good visitor experience.
#3. Eliminate Obsolete Content
Outdated content is the worst SEO devil for your website. This type of content not only adds junk to your storage space but also misleads the visitor. Removing useless content from your business website is a crucial practice in content management.
a. Undeserving Pages
Any pages that are no more useful for the business should be removed completely. It is necessary to remove any content about those products or services that have been discontinued or versions that have become outdated. Similarly, any irrelevant images and videos should be replaced by the useful ones.
b. Broken Links
All of us know that the links that do not lead to any pages generate “404” error. These are called broken links. Such links invite serious penalties from search engines and also annoy visitors by wasting their time. Broken links should be rectified or removed from all possible locations on the website.
To be able to revamp your website content in the ways as mentioned above, it is important to find such outdated content and broken links. For a simple website, it might still be an easy task. But, for more comprehensive websites, it is better to make use of analytics tools.
These tools give a fairly good idea of the performance of the website and the areas which need improvement. Analytics also speak volumes about site visits and conversions. After any such content overhauls, it is important to keep monitoring the analytics data as that can give useful insights about the success of such endeavors.
As per a recent research by GoodFirms, content marketing is one of the top marketing priorities for SEO experts. There is no substitute for good content and so it becomes compulsory for every business to employ the best possible content practices.
So, if you haven’t done that already, start working on your website content now!
Author Bio: Jin Markov is a Content Writer with Goodfirms.co, a research firm in the USA. He has an experience of 5 years and has been writing on areas related to technology, small business, start-ups, SEO, and marketing.
FTC Disclosure: The pages you visit may have external affiliate links that may result in me getting a commission if you decide to buy the mentioned product. It gives a little encouragement to a smaller content creator like myself.