How to Build a Rockstar Marketing Team for Your Business

In this article, we will show you how to build a rockstar marketing team for your business.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on December 6, 2017
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How to Build a Rockstar Marketing Team

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Marketing has always been a significant element of entrepreneurship, but it seems that it has become even more important in the digital era. It is almost impossible to run a project successfully these days without the corresponding promotional strategy. A recent study proved that content marketing leaders actually experience 7.8 times more site traffic than non-leaders.

In such circumstances, it is evident that you need to form a great marketing team if you want to give your company a sales boost. It’s not easy to do it but it’s not impossible either – you just need to follow a few simple tips. In this article, we will show you how to build a rockstar marketing team for your business.

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Who Should Be On Your Team?

Each team consists of different members. If your company is huge and demands a lot of marketing investments, it could be a team with dozens or even hundreds of employees. However, the principle is the same both in small and big companies. Basically, here are the people you need to look for:

Tools Recommendations


  • Data analysts

The Internet allows you to collect gigantic amounts of data almost instantly. But it’s rather difficult to interpret all those information, so you need to hire a data analyst to draw meaningful conclusions out of this big pile.

Just like Chester Moore, a data strategist at Careers Booster, recently noted: “Data scientist is the brain of your entire marketing strategy. It’s a person who tells you in which direction to go when creating your digital content. You could come up with the most interesting content by yourself but it would probably miss the timing and target audience without instructions from your data analyst.


  • Business administration

Even though companies are investing more and more in their marketing strategies, it seems like only a little more than 20% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. This happens because most of them lack an efficient business expert who can handle email campaigns and capitalize on the efforts of your content marketing unit.


  • Content creators

Speaking of content marketing, we should emphasize that content creators are the core of your marketing team. After all, these are the people who can make amusing and appealing digital content to approach your target audience. A research revealed that more than 70% of major organizations hire someone to manage their content marketing strategy. Since you can hardly ever find an all-around player in this field, you need to focus on several elements of content design:


  • Copywriter: This is the person who can make a good copy for your blog and all other types of textual content.
  • Social media and community manager: Sharing is caring and you’ll need a professional to share the content, maintain your social network accounts, and engage in communication with the followers.
  • Video editor: The Internet is all about video content nowadays, which is why you have to hire a professional video editor.
  • Designer: The way you design content will make a big impact on the outcome of your marketing strategy. A designer should always decide what colors, tones, and themes to use during content creation.


How to Find the Best Professionals?

Now you know who you need in the marketing team. However, the tricky part is to actually find and hire the best professionals. In that regard, we suggest you run the following procedure:


  • Analyze and filter

Some of the most suitable candidates could be working for your company already. They don’t have to come from the existing marketing department – you can ask around and find creative and talented employees in the sales unit of a customer service.

You should analyze each employee and detect their strengths and weaknesses. That way, you can filter through your own team and choose the ones who can really contribute to marketing activities.


  • Networking

If you need people from the outside but don’t want to take any chances, you should do some networking and ask your colleagues from other companies to suggest someone good. You can often find excellent marketers who would like to switch jobs and search for the new professional challenges.


  • Publish a job announcement

Networking is great but it can’t always help you in recruiting. This is exactly where traditional vacancy announcements step in – just run an advertisement and you’ll probably receive a lot of job applications.

If you do it wisely and set precise requirements, only the most eligible candidates will apply and you won’t have to spend too much time reading hundreds of resumes that don’t fit your demands. Once you choose a few most promising candidates, you should conduct interviews to see who could improve your marketing activities most efficiently.


  • Training

Marketing is an ever-changing process and you can’t expect great results in the long run if you don’t invest in education and training of your team.

You should organize online courses and workshops to present them with the latest industry developments. Do it regularly and you won’t have to worry about falling behind your biggest competitors.



The marketing team has the power to make or break your business, so you need to be careful about building it. In this article, we showed you how to do it. Feel free to use our tips and don’t hesitate to ask us in comments if you need more details about any one of these issues.

About the author: Eva Wislow is an entrepreneur and career coach from Pittsburgh, PA. Eva maintains a strong interest in bringing the digital revolution in human resources. Eva has a degree in Psychology and she is focusing on helping people discover their true calling. She writes for and other well-known resources. Follow Eva on Twitter.

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