Blog Posts

5 Steps to Build a Successful Subscription based Business

5 Steps to Build a Successful Subscription-Based Business

The subscription-based business model is taking off across the globe, as the concept not only brings numerous benefits to novice entrepreneurs, but also the modern consumer. The comfort and flexibility of receiving a package every month without worrying about manually…

6 Proven Strategies for Increasing Employee Productivity

6 Proven Strategies for Increasing Employee Productivity

Rely on the six strategies covered in this post and you can be assured that your employee productivity will rise and get more things done. Just keep in mind that you should always monitor how productive they are and try to come up with new ways to help them get there.

How Technology Helps your Business go Global

How Technology Helps Your Business Go Global

Communication between different time zones, the flexibility to handle clients from different cultural backgrounds, and a host of other administrative challenges are now easier to address thanks to technology. But how else can you use technology as a tool to expand your business globally? Here are 4 ways how

How to show appreciation for employees

How to Show Appreciation for Employees

Nowadays, it’s easy to find companies full of honest, smart, and hardworking workers. But to find organizations that appreciate and acknowledge these employees? Not so easy. 81% of new job seekers cited dissatisfaction with the work environment as the number…

Using Technology to Create a More Productive Office 1

Using Technology to Create a More Productive Office

There’s a variety of tools, trends and devices that can help you make a more productive office. Seeing as how they range in cost and complexity of implementation, you have the privilege of choosing those that you find the most fitting. On the other hand, implementing them all and finding some additional methods to use wouldn’t be a bad idea either.