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Major Alterations to App Store  iOS 13

Major Alterations to App Store: iOS 13

We shall be drawing light on some of the major changes that have been introduced in the latest iOS version. As we know, Apple has been the pioneer for introducing new updates and various technological developments to millions of users across the globe. Every time there is an iOS update everyone waits with bated breath to get their hands on whatever new Apple has to offer them.

The Reasons Digital Money Is Changing the Business World

The Reasons Digital Money Is Changing the Business World

The concept of digital money, digital currency or cryptocurrency is something completely unique in the history of the business world. For this very reason, a lot of people are intrigued or even concerned with all the ways in which digital money is changing the business world. So, here are several ways in which it is expected that this phenomenon (aka. Digital Money) will impact the business world – in both a good and a bad way.

Localizing Your Social Media Content for a Multilingual Audience Alt

Localizing Your Social Media Content for a Multilingual Audience

Content localization can be an exciting way for you as a content creator to know more about your audience and finding the best way to tap into their interests. However, there are some instances where people do get carried away with their localization efforts and adapt too much to the extent of branching away from their brand’s essence. It’s a good thing to end this article with a point on transcreation.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

5 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

The end goal of SEO is to rank a website at least on the first search engine result page (SERP). It tells a search engine about web stores and businesses which deserve the attention of shoppers and searchers. If you haven’t already invested in SEO, here are five vital reasons why you should implement SEO for your business.

Most Common Harmful Mobile Apps Your Kids Might be Accessing

Most Common Harmful Mobile Apps Your Kids Might be Accessing

With the advent of various dangerous mobile apps for kids as a parent, you must beware of such apps. This way, you can devise ways different ways to monitor your kid’s online activities, and this ensures their online safety.

Guide on Integration InMobi SDK For Monetization Your Android App

Guide on Integration InMobi SDK For Monetization Your Android App

Searching for the best ads monetizing solutions represents a pressing need of nowadays. It’s the right moment to explore the aspect in detail. We shall share our expertise to reveal the main advantages and disadvantages of ad services, moreover, you’ll learn on various critical details on SDK integrations.