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Best Freelancing Jobs for 2020

7 Best Freelancing Jobs for 2020

Certain individuals are simply not made for the typical 9-5 career path with a boss who is constantly hovering over them, while for others, this type of job simply does not provide enough money. Luckily for them, there is a freelancing alternative that allows individuals to create their own schedules and work at their own pace. If you are getting tired of going to the office day in and day out and are thinking about working from home or are just looking to supplement your income by getting a second job, here are some best freelancing options to consider in 2020.

Vital Things CEOs Need to Understand About AI

6 Vital Things CEOs Need to Understand About AI

AI is still a buzzword for some while there are a great number of people who already used to their advantage. Artificial intelligence (AI) which is capable to mimic the human reasoning and interactions for applications has the potential to transform digital reality way beyond the common perception. No wonder that around 85% of the workforce in companies working with AI believe that this will lead to a huge competitive advantage for the company.
As of now most companies with stupendous employee strength and big sized projects are the principal users of AI-based apps. In spite of that 50% of companies with more than 100,000 employees have an active AI strategy in place and rest do not have the same. So, in spite of such loud buzz and clamor about AI in businesses, only a small portion of the businesses across niches and categories actually have an AI strategy implemented in practice.
This is why it is important to ask what the CEOs of most companies think about AI. How they perceive and implement AI to their business advantage? We need to make CEOs more aware of the AI and its positive business implications.
Here through the length of this post, we are going to explain the key things CEOs need to understand about AI.

Reasons Data Driven Stories Help Garner Media Coverage

3 Reasons Data-Driven Stories Help Garner Media Coverage

Journalists are overwhelmed with content pitches. To stand out, your pitches need to have a special angle. Data-driven pitches and storylines are more likely to command respect and authority and catch journalists’ attention. They are also more likely to augment journalists’ digital marketing strategy through SEO.

Marketing Strategies for Seasonal Businesses

5 Marketing Strategies for Seasonal Businesses

Seasonal businesses are completely different from the other types of businesses that are constantly generating revenues no matter which season is it. A person doing a seasonal business can generate hefty amounts when the season is at the peak, but he has to earn enough so that he cannot face trouble in the off-season. Doing a seasonal business does not mean that the businessmen are free in off-season. These businessmen make all the strategies and planning in the off-season so that they can easily hit the target during the peak season.

How Marketing Correctly Can Improve Business Revenue

How Marketing Correctly Can Improve Business Revenue

How important do you think marketing is for a startup company? Creating brand awareness and relevance is as important as having the staff, materials, or money to get the job done. Unfortunately, starting a business doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get leads, clients, or customers. However, investing in marketing can help you be successful in your first year and make a huge difference in your business revenue. When you take the time to have effective marketing, it gets the word out about your business and makes potential customers excited about what your company has to offer. So if you’re looking for some tips to help your new company’s marketing strategy, look over these suggestions.