Blog Posts

Monolith Vs. Microservices Advantages of Each For Beginners

Monolithic Vs Microservices: What Are Their Advantages?

The rise of the DevOps philosophy has made things smoother and faster in the tech world. It has also sparked the debate of microservices Vs. monolithic. In this post, you’ll learn the perks of both.

Top Innovative Mobile App Ideas to Boost Your Business

Top 9 Innovative Mobile App Ideas to Boost Your Business in 2021

It is hard to find ways to boost your business in the middle of a pandemic, but it is never impossible. The digital world helps your business stay open 24/7, so why not utilize this opportunity to take your business online. People rely on technology more and more for their daily tasks. Mobile apps allow users to order what they want from the comfort of their homes, and their orders get delivered at their doorsteps. Even if you are new to the business and don’t know which business is profitable these days, this blog will be helpful to you. In this blog, we are sharing the top 9 innovative mobile app ideas to boost your business this year

Tips For Photographers Know Your Rights and The Law

Tips For Photographers: Know Your Rights and The Law

Different places have different social expectations, individuals have different attitudes, and while the law might be on your side, interaction between your rights and how you exercise them is something you must navigate with care