Blog Posts

A picture shows a digital document labeled "ARTICLE" that has a blue box where an image will go and lines of text. The backdrop is a world map, and at the top, the name "Ruhani Rabin" is written in bold. An arrow points to the article to highlight its significance.

How to setup Efficient Digital Photography Work-flow

“Digital photography work-flow” is a systematic way to capture, develop, sort, organize, export and archive your digital photo collection. I’ve explain these in this article

A picture shows a digital document labeled "ARTICLE" that has a blue box where an image will go and lines of text. The backdrop is a world map, and at the top, the name "Ruhani Rabin" is written in bold. An arrow points to the article to highlight its significance.

Automatically Backup your Data into your USB Drive

Do you always need to take backup of your important data in your USB Drives so that you can take it to meetings, clients or at home and your forget it. Then I am going to share a handy tool with you by which you can schedule the backup of your important data according to your requirements.

A picture shows a digital document labeled "ARTICLE" that has a blue box where an image will go and lines of text. The backdrop is a world map, and at the top, the name "Ruhani Rabin" is written in bold. An arrow points to the article to highlight its significance.

8 Best music sharing services for twitter

What about streaming music at twitter? Yes there are quite a few applications that allows you to share and even upload music to share on twitter. Here are the best web applications tested to effectively share music on twitter.