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what is crowdfunding infographic 1

What Do You Need to Know about Crowdfunding? #Infographic

Crowdfunding is an ever-growing formate of raising funds online via peers. Entrepreneurs can utilize their crowdfunding campaign to jumpstart their business ideas, while artists can fund new projects, and organizations can gather donations towards a charitable cause.

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5 Ways to Manage Conflict in The Workplace

You must acknowledge the fact that there is a conflict, and then approach it in a constructive way. Listen to what the other side has to say, apologize or forgive, and do it all in a neutral location where both of you can relax and open up about it.

business negotiation

6 Tips for a Successful Business Negotiation

If you are not good at negotiating, then consider hiring a professional who will do it for you. In the end, it’s important to know your limits and be ready to compromise in order to have a successful business negotiation.