Advices for A Successful Academic Year

Many high school students when they join college since many believe they have been restricted to do so while in high school. However, students need to know that their academics are of the essence.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on July 30, 2018
Posted in
academics students

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Students in high school yearn for the opportunity to finish and get to join college. This is because the majority of them presume that life in college is enjoyable unlike in high school where there is limited freedom. Students need to learn that life in high school is different from that in college.

In high school, they get to acquire skills and facts from what they are taught whereas, in college, they get to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions as well as apply what they have learned. Many high school students when they join college since many believe they have been restricted to do so while in high school. However, students need to know that their academics are of the essence.

Joining college is a step towards pursuing your future career opportunity. Some students may know to organize themselves and plan their schedule well whereas others do not. Enjoying oneself in college is not a bad act but one needs to understand that they are in college to educate themselves. Your overall performance in college will act as a determinant in the future career or profession you wish to pursue. Therefore, it is essential you learn how to boost your grades at an early stage rather than come to have regrets later on. This article from a team of customessayorder seeks to explain how you can have a successful academic year. To be successful in college, put the tips discussed below in practice.

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Try to plan your time

While in college, you may want to do many things. You want to make new friends, get to know your school, participate in co-curricular activities as well as get to enjoy yourself through partying. Having fun in college is not bad, also, as the adage goes, “Work with no play makes Jack a dull boy.” However, you also need to budget your time. Do not plan to study for an exam a night prior to the paper. Additionally, do not rush to complete your assignments when the deadline is approaching. Delivering poorly or hurriedly written articles will guarantee you bad grades hence come to affect your overall GPA.

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Develop a timetable which you will abide by. This will help you manage your time effectively. You will get time to planning homework tasks, deliver your essays on time, have time to prepare for exams and study as well as get to enjoy yourself. Moreover, it is fundamental to remember that you need to get enough rest. When budgeting your time, reminisce that you need to include sleep. Effective time management guarantees you good grades and a great college year.

Be patient with yourself

As a student in college, you may feel the need to make new friends and get to expand your social life. However, sometimes other students might not put that much interest in you hence you will feel unwanted. As a result, you may try to do whatever it takes to fit in a particular group of friends so as not to be left alone. This will slow your academic progress as your focus will be on fitting in a social circle. Additionally, you may want to excel in your exams so as to not only impress your professors but also your parents. You may spend a lot of time studying and doing everything possible such as spending most of the time in the library to boost your grades.

Failing an exam or not having a social circle does not mean that it is the end of your college life. Failing an exam creates room for improvement as you get to learn your mistakes and correct them. Similarly, do not pressure yourself into belonging to a social group. Be content with the few friends you manage to make and make good use of them. You never know, you may all be aiming to accomplish your goals. Do not expect to be perfect but draw strength and inspiration from your previous learning experiences. Your focus should be on doing what you want and aiming to meet your objectives.

Use different services

School resources are always there to be utilized. Do not fear using some services in school due to fear of being questioned by other students. For example, the library, school shuttles, the playgrounds and the park among others are there for every student. No one should question what you go to do there as it has been paid for in your school fees.

Writing essays is also a challenging task for many college students. Do not succumb to your inability to improve your writing skills. Try to develop and grow as a writer by seeking assistance from your professors or other students. You can read through their professional essays and learn how to approach your articles. This will enable you to develop and grow steadily and thus have an easy write. Moreover, when in class, do not depend too much on what the lecturer is teaching.

You may often be tempted to get down everything the lecturer says. Learn to read or study and write some notes in your own words. This will help you comprehend the what has been taught with ease. Summarize it and make it meaningful for yourself.

Use different services

Find ways to overcome stress

Everyone gets stressed irrespective of what they are doing. Whether a student, professor or lecturer, stress is inevitable. As a student, you may get stressed due to having a heap of assignments and wonder when to complete them, getting bad grades or having family problems back at home and lack of a social group.

Managing stress is an efficient strategy for academic success. However, how you manage your stressful situations will reflect on whether you will have a successful academic year or not. First and foremost, whenever you are stressed, do not resort to alcohol or any other drugs. Some students think that by drinking they are solving their lie issues. However, that does not seem to be the case. Drinking only adds to your problems as you waste money on it as well as get to have hangovers afterward.

Try to talk to someone whenever you are not feeling okay. A problem shared is a problem solved. Confide in a friend or lecturer you trust. They may help you find a solution to your problem. Additionally, take control and say no to other people. Do not succumb to other student’s requests to get to join a social group. You can also exercise by taking a walk or jogging as it will help keep your mind focused on other things.

In conclusion, life in college is different from that in high school. College teaches you to be responsible and apply what you have learned in your daily life. Also, getting to college is a step to getting your desired career opportunity. Therefore, you should learn how to be successful while at it by putting the strategies discussed above into practice. They will guarantee you a successful college life.

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