62 Ways to show – I love you

Here are the simplest things you can do with the person to show them that you love them so much. A little relationship advice can go a long way, and so can a list of relationship tips. Specific, practical ways of showing your love for your partner, kids, and friends can increase the communication, connection, and caring in your family. These are “equal opportunity” tips, which means they can be applied to any relationship in your life!

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on March 30, 2018
Posted in
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Show Love
Original image © by pbeens

As you all know when i browse through this big and wide internet world i always take lessons and i share it with you. I bet we all have relationships but how do we handle and appreciate our relationships? Having good relationships does take work. It's hard to be honest, and it's hard to accept the consequences of your honesty and authenticity. It takes time, energy, and committment to stay connected through all the problems that life and people bring. It can be painful, aggravating, and scary to stick it out through all the ups and downs….But the alternative is worse.

Here are the simplest things you can do with the person to show them that you love them so much. A little relationship advice can go a long way, and so can a list of relationship tips. Specific, practical ways of showing your love for your partner, kids, and friends can increase the communication, connection, and caring in your family. These are "equal opportunity" tips, which means they can be applied to any relationship in your life!

Hope these helps you to re-define and enhance your relationships. 62 Ways to Show "Love":

Tools Recommendations
  1. Say "I love you."
  2. Don't compare them to anyone.
  3. Be courteous at all times.
  4. Embrace the present moments without fear or guilt.
  5. Live by the Golden Rule (Do unto others….).
  6. Give them your full attention when talking.
  7. Become their biggest fan!
  8. Toast each other regularly.
  9. Tell them how they bring love to your life.
  10. Share funny quotes or events.
  11. Talk about your day during mealtimes.
  12. Read books aloud together.
  13. Say you're sorry.
  14. Recall good and bad memories.
  15. Let go any bad experience and anger.
  16. Encourage health in all its forms.
  17. Let the tears flow together.
  18. Act silly together.
  19. Be lavish in praise.
  20. Ask questions about opinions, feelings, thoughts.
  21. Forget about labels.
  22. Encourage adventures and risks!
  23. Show your joy when they come home.
  24. Bake cookies.
  25. Forget about past mistakes.
  26. Use flannel sheets in the winter.
  27. Solve problems together – crosswords or war.
  28. Show your gratitude for them.
  29. Be a good sounding board.
  30. Take pride in them. Show your pride.
  31. Compliment them in front of others.
  32. Spend time with them.
  33. Listen to them.
  34. Ask for hugs and kisses.
  35. Take vacations together.
  36. Tell the truth.
  37. Use pet names.
  38. Practice self-acceptance.
  39. Hunt for treasure together.
  40. Be interested in their interests.
  41. Let go of jealousy.
  42. Accept their weaknesses and flaws.
  43. Ditch work or responsibilities to play with them.
  44. Share chocolates, ice cream sundaes, milkshakes.
  45. Ignore slights.
  46. Pray or meditate together.
  47. Practice forgiveness.
  48. Watch classic movies together.
  49. Leave notes or send letters.
  50. Buy a "for no reason" gift.
  51. Don't gossip or judge.
  52. Give the benefit of the doubt.
  53. Give space when they're in a bad or sad mood.
  54. Learn something new together.
  55. Go dancing.
  56. Keep your promises.
  57. Make them laugh.
  58. Consider their feelings.
  59. Hide a treat in their lunch.
  60. Make home a fun place to be.
  61. Let them make their own decisions.
  62. Say what you mean.

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