3 Tips to Help you Conquer the World of SEO Copywriting
SEO is really not as complicated as the professionals make out. The industry is mostly made up of tedious techniques that when employed consistently lead to effective results. Many online writers fail to realize this and refuse to write optimized content or about SEO because of it. They are intimidated by the significance of SEO in the online world and make the assumption that it is beyond their reach. If that is you then let me tell you that you are more than capable of becoming an SEO copywriter – and since the panda updates you probably already are one.
The main reason why switching to SEO copywriting is so beneficial to an online writer is because there are more opportunities all paid at a generally higher rate than the price of a normal copy. Being able to write optimized content or simply just on an SEO topic is considered to be technical writing and it demands a higher price tag because of it. If you can entice a reader, clearly explain a specific method or technique and use research to expand your knowledge and understanding then you have all the skills you will ever need to be an SEO copywriter. Below I have listed some simple things that all first time SEO writers should consider before they start their work.
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How to prepare yourself for the world of SEO Copywriting…
Ensure that you fully understand the concept behind SEO – Strictly speaking, the sole purpose of SEO is to ensure that a website ranks in the highest possible rank in the SERP’s (search engine results pages) as possible. A website will never be fully ‘SEO’ed’ and will need consistent work to maintain any improvements seen. As an SEO copywriter you will also need to be aware of conversion – what most webmasters really want is profits and not simply boasting rights about their SERP’s position.
Remember that quality always comes first
Since the Panda update, the entire SEO Copy-writing industry has had to redefine its purpose. Previously it was simply a process of keyword spamming and content cloaking but now things are a little bit different. Google is now rewarding content that boasts genuine interest and originality and not simply that which has the most amount of keywords. The panda update may have pissed off a lot of webmasters but it’s done online writers real favor – making the transition into SEO copywriting has never been easier.
Become a student of SEO
If you want to make it as an SEO Copywriter it is absolutely vital that you have a genuine interest in the industry. As an online writer, your opportunities to actually perform SEO will probably be few and far between so you need to fill that lack of experience with something else. You need to consistently be reading SEO journals, articles, and blog posts. Over the course of a few months, you’ll be able to build a pretty clear picture of what the SEO world involves – you can then write about these things with confidence.
You needn’t be intimidated by the phrase ‘search engine optimization’
the industry essentially just revolves around the completion of simple but tedious tasks. Your lack of SEO experience may make you feel a little bit out of place at first but you will soon grow into a little SEO guru. What’s important is that you let your SEO posts grow with your knowledge – at first, you should keep your topics simple and your confidence high.
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