Free but Useful PHP Form Processor Scripts
Forms are one of the most common features for almost any website. It provides a secure communication or feedback from the end user to the sites owner. Having said that, forms often allows security breaches to a website so it is advisable to use secured forms processing systems. I hope that this post will help you out searching for PHP based form processors.

Forms are one of the most common features for almost any website. It provides a secure communication or feedback from the end user to the sites owner. Having said that, forms often allows security breaches to a website so it is advisable to use secured forms processing systems. I hope that this post will help you out searching for PHP based form processors.
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PHP Contact Form
- Spam protection: users are required to enter security code (captcha).
- The script checks that all form fields are filled and that e-mail address has correct form.
Information and Download
Secure PHP Mail Form
Free PHP Mail Form is a single-page multi-use PHP mail (e-mail) website form that allows your users to send you feedback directly from your website, without the need to customize heavily detailed scripts and panic over security.
- Meta header and JavaScript injection protection
- Tags stripped and whitespace trimmed
- Validity and length checking on name and e-mail fields
- IP and browser details included in e-mail
- Valid data displayed when other errors occur
- Spam word check
- Common spam bot blocking
- New in v2: Bayesian style spam filtering
Usage Instructions and Download
Form Tools
Form Tools is written for web developers who work on online registration sites, or sites that require any form of information gathering from their online visitors. Put simply, it is a form processor, storage and data access script written in PHP and MySQL, designed to work with any existing web form. With a few minor changes to your form, you can stop using old-fashioned form-mail scripts and instead store form submissions in a database, instantly providing your clients with a user-friendly interface to manage their form submissions, include options such as mass data export via excel, printer-friendly pages, data sorting, form submission editing and optional email notifications.
Demo | Download | Documentation | Translations
phpFormGenerator Beta
phpFormGenerator is a an easy, online tool for creating reliable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing web forms in a snap. No programming of any sort is required: phpFormGenerator generates the HTML code, the form processor code (PHP), and the field validation code automatically via an easy, point-and-click interface.
phpFormGenerator provides several delivery formats. You can choose to have your form results delivered via email, sent to a MySQL database, and written to a data file (which you can then open in Excel and other programs)
features in phpFormGenerator 3.0:
- Simple, intuitive, point-and-click interface
- Forms can have multiple pages
- Add and remove fields dynamically – without switching pages
- Customize look and feel of your form
- Add pre-populated fields: country, state (U.S.)
- Add non-invasive tooltips to help your users
- Add and remove fields dynamically – on the same page
- New fields with live validation: date (with pop-up calendar), email
- Add pre-populated fields: country, state (U.S.)
Tectite FormMail
FormMail provides the logic required to accept form submissions on your website and email the results to you (and do other things too!).
- send you their results by email (supports any number of email recipients)
- store their results in a CSV (comma separated values) database on your server
- create a log file entry of activity on your server
- use obfuscated email addresses to prevent SpamBots from harvesting your email addresses
- accept no spam; FormMail blocks spam through automatic attack detection tests as well as optional image verification (CAPTCHA) features. Tectite’s form processor is a complete anti-spam solution.
- encrypt their results before they are emailed to you (ideal for securely collecting credit card data)
- redirect to a specific URL on success (e.g. allow a user to download software after filling in a form)
- redirect to a specific URL on failure (customized error page)
- alert you of failures
- work as simple email gateways – just create a form with one non-special field (usually a textarea field) and formmail.php will format the email appropriately
- use GET or POST methods for form submission
- send HTML emails formatted with your form results
- upload files
- perform advanced field validations
- perform advanced error handling
- send an autoresponse to the person submitting your form
- support for other human languages (internationalization)
- GeoIP support
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Ajax Form Builder
It is a PHP & Mysql Based WYSWYG Form Builder powered by Jquery . It makes you create a ready-to-go Online Contact Us From, Online Quiz/Survey, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Job Application, Bug Tracker … in minutes, just move/click your mouse to build incredible online forms without any knowledge of programming.
Download | Instructions
Mailcode is a simple feedback form system, designed with the novice web designer in mind. It utilizes CAPTCHA technology to prevent spam submission, validates email address structure, and validates form fields to ensure all requested information is provided.
Mailcode is expandable, allowing you to include your own form fields without editing the complicated source code. Simply add your fields to the basic HTML form and the mail handler will interpret them. Edit the HTML form to match your website layout.
To start using the system, simply upload and configure the script, and add one line of code to your webpage.
Silentum FormSend
Silentum FormSend is a basic PHP mailing script which is great to use as either a “Contact Us” page, or as a feedback system for your site. Unlike a lot of other forms, this one is sent through a single PHP file. It uses a simple form to send user comments to a specified email address, and can be easily set up in a matter of minutes. It logs the IP addresses the messages are sent from to prevent abuse, and has settings as to which of the four fields to require and which to leave optional.
FormHandler is a PHP written “module” which allows you to create dynamic forms in an easy way. So easy that you can build a fully working form, including field validations, within 10 lines!
With FormHandler you can:
- Very easy to generate a form
- Easy to save/edit data from a database
- Easy to validate the values
- You can use templates!
- The form is generated by the XHTML 1.0 standard
- Possibility to change to style of the form
- Possibility to add CSS / Javascript to the fields
- The size FormHandler is only +/- 256 kb (server side)! (without the FCKeditor files)
- There can be generated special fields (like datefields)
- It’s very easy to upload files
- Possibility to generate an online text editor!
- It’s completely FREE!
PHP FormMail Generator
PHP FormMail Generator – A tool to create ready-to-use web forms in a minutes. It’s Easy + Quick + Free
- Unlimited standard form fields, credit card and file upload fields
- User input validation (checking required fields, credit card number and expiry date, file upload, etc..)
- Send customized email to you, support attachments
- Send personalized auto response email or copy to user
- Save submitted form data as Excel file
- Customized thank you message or redirect page
- Anti email spider (Email address harvesting)
- Anti-Spam using security image (CAPTCHA) and email header injection removal
- Log all email traffics (to see if there are any spam activities)
- Admin Panel to see and download your form data
CJ Web2Mail
The CJ Web2Mail is a very simple web page form to your email inbox script. The script has been improved considerably from the previous version.
V3.0 includes multipart email sending which basically means that the script sends both HTML and text emails to you (and for the auto responder). This way the receiver of the email can leave it up to their mail client to choose which one to display: Outlook Express for example, uses HTML (but you can have this turned off, therefore sending both makes sure you get it). The script comes with full data validation and a thank you page which can be customized fully.
Download | Demo | Information
The FormContact 1.1 system will allow you to handle most Form-To-Email functions required by a website. It can be set up to take all the submitted form data and convert it to a readable email format. It can be customized to send users to a “thank you” page once the form data has been filled out, and certain form fields can be marked as being required in order for the form to be completed.
It also has the added ability for sending an automated response to the person who fills out the form. Different responses can be used for different forms, and can even be personalized to the user, based on form fields they enter.
TheWebHelp PHP Contact Form
If you use a normal contact form then spammers will find a way to automatically send junk messages through that form, so you need a way to verify that the sender is an actual person and not an automated script.
A good solution for this is to use an random code that is generated by a script the code will be displayed as an image so only a person could read the image and type the number. This practice is called Captcha image validation. The image also has a noise added to avoid any existent automated scripts that could read the text from the image.
The contact form also makes sure the user filled all the form fields correctly, when all fields are completed and the text entered inside email box is an email address.
Usage Instructions and Download
KillBot Form
This script is intended to eliminate various types of web based robots from repeatedly filling out forms by requiring the visitor to enter some simple data (called a Turing or CAPTCHA test). Many times you may have a form (feedback, poll, guestbook, etc.) on your web site and a malicious user targets a script to automatically fill out your form until it either cripples your server, skews statistics, or floods your inbox. By requiring the visitor to read the text in an image (over 900,000,000 possible combinations) and enter that with the other data in your form, you can prevent automated scripts from repeatedly filling out your form.
Please test out the sample form below for yourself and see! If you find the image too difficult to read, simply click on the image to reload the page for a new one. KillBot can be set to be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, or it can be set to display only uppercase or only lowercase.
SiteMail 2.0
Sitemail 2.0 Simple PHP based web contact form. Includes a theme for use as a stand-alone script or can be included into your own pages. Also uses error checking for blank fields or an incorrectly formatted email address.
Simple PHP Form Mailer
Simple PHP Form Mailer attempts to be easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being some what Formmailer compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a Formmailer-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different.
There are many more form processors for PHP available for free but these are the one easy to use and implement and some of them provides robust features. Do you have a PHP form processor script that you’ve used and useful? Feel free to post it in the comments. You can find me on twitter @ruhanirabin if you want to let me know of any other scripts too. Don’t forget to share your comments.
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